
First Wesleyan Church of Hollywood meets for worship service at 11 AM each Sunday morning. When you arrive, you can enter through the main doors which face N 62nd Ave. We have set aside a couple of parking spots right near the door for our guests to use.

You will be greeted as you enter by one of our church members who will help you to find the information you need. You’ll be handed a flyer for that day’s service and any other handouts that pertain to our current ministries. You will also have the opportunity at this point to take a Connect Card that you can fill out with your name and information. We promise to never sell your information or use it for any purpose other than communicating with you about church activities.

We have a nursery on most Sundays (more on that later) which is located just to your left as you enter the building. A friendly, trained, and safe adult member of our child care team will assist you in checking in your little ones and contact you during the service if there are any needs.

Our worship area is to the right upon entering the building. You will find people dressed up and dressed down. Our service is a mix of formal and informal elements, but we are most of all genuine. Some of us are loud and more outgoing; some are quiet and more introspective. We strive to create an environment where everyone can meet with God in a way that matches with each person’s passion and personality.

We have a children’s church program which runs during the message portion of our worship service. Children (up to 5th grade) are dismissed during the offering to go with our children’s church workers who have a background in children’s education. This is a fun learning time for all of the kids.

Once each month (on the last Sunday), we give our children’s church and nursery workers a break by holding Family Worship Sunday. All kids are expected to sit with their parents and caregivers to experience the entire worship service. On these Sundays, we have a short message geared towards the kids (which we think the adults appreciate, too!), and a packet of fun, interactive learning tools that tie into what is happening in the worship service.

Our goal any time we meet (for worship, for service, for growth or for fun) is that we all leave transformed by the Spirit of God … that He would do some RENOVATION on our hearts.